
Showing posts from June, 2018

Have information, will travel!

When looking for information on education and literacy in developing nations, I searched for a story I had read about in the past about floating schools that travel a weekly schedule down the river to reach isolated populations. I searched for that video and found it: the solar-powered floating schools in Bangledesh. Then stumbled upon the videos about the book donkey in Ethiopia and the floating library in Laos. Each of these videos shows dedicated people bringing learning opportunities to those who have little access to it. I must admit, I felt a powerful connection to these videos. I feel like I have seen my future retirement plans and I can't wait!  It got me thinking that these methods of conveyance (donkey, boat, barge) that reach the most remote areas could just as easily bring along mobile devices as well as books and solar panels could power the device! I have included these short videos (the longest is 3 minutes) in case anyone wants to see them.  "Ethiopi

It is going to take a little time...

Image t To me, this issue of how we engage teachers to develop their tech skills and students' skills seems to always come down to time. If it takes too much time to learn or change from what we are previously using, then few are willing to try. You can promise it will save the teacher time in the long run, but you really need to deliver on that promise. Your early adopters will become the biggest critics if it doesn't actually save time. If it takes too much time to teach to students or takes up too much time from the course content, then few are willing to try for any change. Time, time and more time. Ironically, I have found the best solution to all of this issues is to give it some time: time to percolate, time to pique interest, time to develop. I think I need to take the policy, "you have to go slow to go fast" in my own development of ICT skills and when supporting others. You also rea

Dipping My Toe In

What are some of the ways that educators and professionals are connecting and sharing their learning? What can you do during this class and after it is over to maintain your connections and networks, to further develop your knowledge, experience and skills? Twitter I am very new to Twitter. In fact, I signed up for Twitter only a few weeks ago and only because it was a requirement of this course. Since then I read an article that state 6 out of 10 teachers are using social platforms like Twitter to enhance their teaching. So for this week of inquiry I spent a lot of time searching through Twitter and trying to understand how it can help me develop a learning community.   I have realized that certain hashtags that I assumed would be in use or relevant to me are, in fact, not.   #sd23 is not that active yet @sd23 is. #sd23learn has more info but isn't much more active, whereas #sd23learns (the s on the end changes everything) is much more active and full of information I